Friday, December 15, 2017

The 1st Post

Do you start your new blog at a particular date or do you just randomly post your
first post online just like that, regardless of when or whatever the time is.

Or do you dedicate your first post to a special occasion , incident , encounter or is it something special in your life or do you dedicate your first post to ranting online , venting your anger at someone or something which pissed you off recently.

Anyway , not sure why am I doing this or how long can it last ... most of my blog vanishes 
Slowly and elegantly into the deep deep web of darkness .. lol

As to why I’m writing this blog, it may be due to the fact that I want to earn some money 
by blogging. Speaking of which ,  how do you really earn money by blogging or is it true that
you can actully earn something from it ?   For sure I am not one who writes fantastic words nor construct beautiful lines which even makes a photograph looks dull.  With my limited vocabulary prowess and lack of out of this world imagination, I can only do so much. At most I am able to “ Imagine Dragon “  ,  oopsss :p

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